Friday, December 7, 2012

I Got Bit By A Squirrel

Feeling giddy as I ever was around squirrels + Feeling lucky from this experience + Buttmunch squirrel


This was a period during the school year where I always carried around peanuts and one happy day after an exam or something, I wanted to go out and feed a squirrel and pet it. I found this one curiously, cute little guy  who wanted my peanuts. After feeding it for a while by just placing the nuts on the ground, I built up enough faith and trust in my squirrel friend to hand-feed it. That's when things all went awry and the rascal duped me! He was so smart about biting me too. First, he grabbed my by the fleshy parts of my palm (so I can't escape), then he bit into my thumb and thrashed his head around (so he can make it as painful as possible) and lastly, he made me drop the nuts from my hand (so he can eat em).

In conclusion,...

I'm glad I had this experience. I have the privilege of saying I pet a squirrel and now also that I was bitten by one. I would even say it was a pretty good experience. It actually didn't hurt that much, though it looked like a dreadful, dreadul injury. I was dripping blood everywhere and it didn't stop bleeding until like an hour after.
And I also learned a lot:

  • Squirrels are not tame
  • Squirrels have very sharp claws. If they're sharp enough to hold onto trees, they're definitely sharp enough to break skin.
  • Squirrels have very sharp teeth. If they're sharp enough to break through nuts, they're definitely sharp enough to break skin...and deeper.
  • Squirrels like nuts. If you're stupid enough to feed it to them with your hands, they're definitely crazy enough to bite your hand along with it.
  • Squirrels are still cute.
  • I want to pet another squirrel

  • Squirrels RARELY carry rabies. But they DO carry tetanus. Tetanus can kill you. I got a tetanus shot. Now I won't die. I love squirrels.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

World Of Dance Chicago 2012

Wow! This is my first World of Dance post even though this is my third year attending. Well, I guess it makes sense since I wasn't a very active blogger in 2011 and 2010.

Just to sum up this event, just like many other dance showcasing events, it's a great competition where a spectrum of different hip hop crews around the area display their talent, love, and passion for dance. It's a great, wonderful, and always super hype show. It's one of those things I always look forward to months in advance. It's just.. great!

This year, a few of my favorite acts included...

Versatile ENT

I don't know what this style of hip hop is..
But I like it.
I'm still trying to find out if there's a more specific term for it.


Work in Progress

And lastly,

The Puzzle League (1ST PLACE)

Not only do I love watching dance, I love watching it live. There's this raw energy and feeling that you can't capture in video. It's still wonderful to watch and relive the event. For you readers and watchers, hopefully the cheering and screaming can give you a little understanding of just how hype it gets.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

That Valirian Root Experiment

In a previous post, I've mentioned the good and bad effects of valirian root. Basically, good = helps you sleep and bad = gives you really f***ed up dreams.

Regardless of the bad, I wanted to try it ... AND I GOT MY ROOMIES TO TRY IT WITH ME TOO!
Let's make this really quick and dry.

The purpose of this experiment is to observe the effects of ingesting valirian root in tea form.

-Valirian Root
-condensed milk
-boiling water

-put 1 tbsp of valirian root into a cup
-add however much condensed milk to sweeten
-pour boiling water (boil water prior)
-repeat all steps for each participant


Hiep: knocked out, no nightmares
Henry: knocked out, no nightmares
Jeff: experienced difficulty sleeping, no nightmares
Dan: experienced difficulty sleeping, no nightmares
Emily: experienced difficulty sleeping, no nightmares

Inconclusive. Results varied. However, although it worked for only 2/5 participants, I would argue that it's a potent sleeping aid. Hiep, who had only been awake for 4 hrs prior to ingestion of said weed, managed to knock out for a whole day and miss his classes. Henry also knocked out and missed all his classes. Jeff, Dan, and Emily may be sensitive towards sweets and the condensed milk may have kept them awake more than the Valirian Root made them want to sleep.

Nightmares. I wish I had em. I wonder what I would dream up. In the future, I would like to try this again but without the condensed milk. Give me nightmares, damnit!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

AAA FS - Fall Runthroughs 2012

Ahh... the rush of anxiety and excitement of runthroughs. Not only do I get to perform the dances I've learned and practiced on a stage--but this time around, I also get to lead a scene through the dances on a stage.

Each scene only gets 30 minutes on stage and with that small amount of time, we wanted to accomplish a lot:
     Firstly, we wanted to see how well everyone knew the choreography. We split up everyone into groups, so everyone has a chance to be in the front and we can record them and review 'em later. From our recordings, we can see which parts we may need to clarify in future practices and which parts are solid.

     Secondly, we get to try out little things now that we have a stage. One thing I wanted to try out was a little gimmick with the first line and second line doing opposite things, and see if that composition works well. For example, one line going up while the other goes down. Another is to try out line switches and how smoothly they can run.

     Lastly, we get to see our models do they thang! Even though it's not the real show, we do take it seriously. The time we get to practice on a stage is really precious. Runthroughs is like 5% of the show but getting that small glimpse of what the models can do really makes a coord proud of everything everyone's accomplished.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Clybourne (Cly's)

Day 2 with the visitees!

Group dinner! Made some rice, choy, ¿chicken?, and strawberrry poppyseed salad.

Then, we went out to dance for a little at another bar called Cly's.

Here are the ladies -- and me.

And Jeffff!!

:D!! I love this picture!! We have the same mouth-gaping-open face, but it was completely accidental. COINCIDENCE!!! I was singing a song and he just made the face and by fate, the picture was taken in that moment in time. BY FATE!

Anyways, Cly's was fun. I've been there like twice before ... and it was always fun! Always good music and a nice crowd.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Chester Street Bar (C-Street)

Becky, Ruth, and Jackie visited Urbana this weekend.

We had dinner at Teresa's. "Thank you, Teresa for making us dinner! It was delicious!!" Then, we got ready for a night out at Chester Street Bar.

First time at C-Street Bar. Glad to share it with all these lovelies.

Including Jeffffffffffff!!

They play techno-ed versions of top 40 hits and many female 80s and 90s artists. It was hard to dance to. However, there's a nice (and a little awkward) crowd and really cheap cover charge--$3.

For a Friday night, the crowd was scarce. I've heard so many good things about this bar, but maybe we came on the wrong night. I'll have to check it out some other time, but this time was a little disappointing. We still had a lot of fun with each other though dancing on the dance floor.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

AASHO Ramen Contest - Chapaghetti Round

I comp-EAT-ed with 3 others in the Chapaghetti Round.
It's such a good noodle.
The sauce and stuff tastes just like Korean jjajangmyun (black bean) noodles.
It probably is jjajangmyun.  

Get Set...
(but first, I wanted to blow some steam away)

Neil (my "father" in AAA), Michelle, and I all won our respective rounds. YAY! Neil got some big box o' choco-thangs, I won a big box of koala crackers thangs (I only had 3 bags left 'cause I gave away all the other bags), and Michelle won a big box of Pocky. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Wesley Haunted House

Instead of doing a Halloween Flash Mob like I did in 2011 and 2010 (Whoops... forgot to include in my 2011 post that I was in a Halloween Michael Jackson's "Thriller" Zombie Flash Mob), I volunteered as a zombie in a haunted house with Carmen and her family & friends

Prior to getting prepped to go out on the "floor", we first went through the house for ourselves. We had to go together in a single file through a dark, narrow path. Naturally, we were fighting so much to NOT lead and NOT be in the back. Sam (the girl in red) was the only one brave enough to lead the line while Sammy (Carmen's youngest brother who is shoulder-to-shoulder with me in the picture) and I somehow got stuck in the back. We were both the biggest scaredy cats, so we were whimpering and screaming the whole time and pretty much trying to fight past everyone when we heard someone or something behind us. Holy moly, in my lifetime, I've only been to like 3 haunted houses, but this one was so scary!! It was a great thrill though and a pleasure to face with a big group.

It was great going through the haunted house, but it was SCARE-cely the funnest part. Now it was our turns to become the SCARE-ers instead of the SCARE-ees. We quickly made our way to the makeup room, rummaged through raggedy clothes to wear (I just wore my own t-shirt), and then we had other volunteers to do our make-up. After making ourselves all pretty and gory and stuff, we split up to be stationed at various parts of the haunted house.

A few of the guys and I were placed in the largest room in the whole house. One side was the entrance to the room; on the other side, was a surgical table where a girl was cut open with a saw. Surrounding the table were REAL animal innards--it smelled so gross. Hidden under sheets of black garbage bags surrounding the pathway to the next room, were me and the other undead. As the crowd cautiously walked through focused on the table, we would crawl out right by their feet and catch them off guard. I would emerge from hiding with my neck up so they can see my slashed throat. As they screamed, I would desperately gasp for air as if my esophagus and trachea were really cut right open.  


Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween @the Treehouse 2012

To continue our pumpkin carving tradition we started last year, we had another little Hallow's Eve celebration at our apartment.

We had friends over, made some  ribs, carved a scccaaaarrryyy pumpkin, and watched Shutter, a Thai horror. Personally, I don't think it was very scary. I miss being a whimpering mess after watching a scary movie, but I haven't felt this way for a long time.

I-Spy: Where am I?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

AAA BizCaz - First Teaching Day

Finally, the day has come where I would finally start teaching my first choreography for BizCaz. Unfortunately, Dan, my co-coord would not be there. This made me a little nervous at first but all-in-all, I knew it would be fine. Also, it gave me a great opportunity to run practice however I wanted--and I wanted to play with a few things and just change it up...for me. :D

I showed up 15 minutes early for practice, so I could see the models file in. I just sat in the front of the room waiting. As they filed in, I had them all sign in with a pen and paper. Naturally, after signing in, they would sit by me and eventually we had a nice little cluster. It was really fun talking to the models personally and really getting to know them a little bit and having them know me. Usually, everyone just filed in, minded their own business, and the models were very scattered.

As most of the group showed up, we got up to warm up. Usually, we stretch, which isn't necessarily a warm-up. I wanted to ACTUALLY warm-up, so I taught the moves for The Wobble (a line dance) really quickly, then we did it to the music.

This was the main thing I wanted to try out.
It was so fun watching people pick it up really fast, do the wrong moves, look really confused, adding their own flavor, and most importantly, having fun.

Afterwards, I taught my piece. Also, super duper fun teaching BizCaz. And people seemed to like it, so I'm very glad. I really can't wait to continue teaching "Bait" by Wale and to teach other pieces for BizCaz and maybe more.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

HORT 105 - Pumpkin Carving

It's that time of the year again. Good ol' Hallow's Eve. To celebrate, our HORT 105 had a pumpkin carving lab. How many times do I have to reassert that this is one of the funnest classes ever!

The lab was simple: choose a pumpkin, choose your tools, and carve whatever you want in an hour.

At the end, the class voted on their 3 favorite pumpkin designs.

The pumpkin above, deservingly, won first place. It's a Angry Bird pumpkin!! Cleverly, the artist uses the pumpkin stem as a beak and leftover pieces as its wings and mohawky thing.

My pumpkin, pictured below, deservingly, received zero votes. It was a sad attempt to recreate Cinderella's pumpkin carriage with a silhouette of Cinderella riding inside. Was this an overambitious project given the short amount of time, lack of experience, and lack of ability? Simply -- yes.
...which still isn't that good.

Whatever. I tried. & it was soo much fun! We got to keep the pumpkin too, so cleaned that baby up and took it back to the apartment, excited to cook it for dinner. Little did I know, these are different kinds of pumpkins. The kind you eat is softer and less stringy. The kind you carve is much harder and super stringy. No wonder it took me over an hour to cut off the rind (outer peel), clean it out, and chop it up. The kind you carve is also much blech-er. It takes forever to prepare, forever to cook through it's rough meat, and it does not retain flavor. That was like a good three weeks of eating pumpkin and hating it --- because I refused to let a good pumpkin go to waste.

P.S. In the end, I don't think I was able to finish it all. Pumpkins are HUGE (and no one wanted to help me eat it).

Thursday, October 11, 2012

HORT 105 - Weed Lab

As I've mentioned in a previous post, I'm taking HORT 105 this semester just for fun--and I love it! This class has the funnest labs ever! In the previous post, I talked about our pepper lab where we basically just tried out different peppers. In this lab, since we had just learned about weeds, we did a lab on...weeds.

Sorry if the title is misleading (it was meant to be), but this lab has nothing to do with cannabis. What kind of University would allow that in their classrooms?!

Much like the last lab, we were just trying different plants and veggies.

Make Your Own Tea

Dandelion Root - 2 tsp
Chickory - 1 tsp
Terragon - 1 tsp
Stevia - 1 tsp
So we had at least two dozen different kinds of ¿weeds? and stuff to choose from and I just added whatever looked pretty. Honestly, it was pretty good until I added Stevia, a natural sweetener. That stuff is gross! So gross!! So gross!! good!

Eat Arugala Salad

The arugala was picked fresh from U of I's greenhouses! It even had little bugs still crawling on it. Are they called aphids? Harmless. So I ate 'em.

Eat Veggie Straws w/ Cream Cheese Made with Kudzu Root & Lemongrass

Kudzu Root - Supposedly this could be used to treat hangovers. You can either make a tea out of this and drink it when you have a hangover. Or you can drink the tea prior to drinking and it'll curb how much you drink. Who knows if this is true. I did get a baggie of this Kudzu Root from my TA, so maybe I can test it out sometime.

Valirian Root
I don't have a picture of this, but I think this is the most interesting weed. It's a sleeping aid and you can actually get this in pill form at various stores and stuff. However, it is known to sometimes have strange side effects. Though it's known to be quite successful at putting the individual to sleep, it may also elicit crazy dreams. My TA found this out firsthand. He had a period of insomnia and so he tried this in pill-form to help him sleep. The first time he took it, as the pill promises, he knocked out. That night, he had a dream where he was playing catch with his dad in an open field. It started really nice and friendly. They were both all smiles and having a lot of fun. One throw went too far and so my TA went over to fetch it. He picked it up and when he turned around to toss it back to his dad, his dad was pointing a gun right at his forehead. GULP. Anyways, I got a baggie of this from my TA too. I'll try it sometime with my roomies...or whoever dares. :Þ

Monday, October 8, 2012


/looks at picture
Wow... red isn't really my shade, is it? It looks a little weird toward the edges. Maybe I should've found a way to make the borders of my lips more defined. What if I tried purple instead? Or a darker red?

Whatever, it doesn't really matter. This was just a fun, social experiment I did for a SOC 100 assignment. The assignment was to challenge a social norm, expected behaviors or cues within society. Some examples of challenging a social norm given in class included facing the back wall in an elevator instead of the door, sitting next to people when you're on an empty bus, or dressing too formally/informally for the setting. While those ideas sound super fun, I have a deeper interest in challenging gender-social norms, so I came up with the idea to wear lipstick. To isolate this male-deviant behavior, I wore it with my regular male-appropriate clothing...just to clarify that I wasn't trying to observe the effects of changing my gender orientation or anything.

Thank you to Teresa for letting me borrow the lipstick, who tried so hard to find me the right shade. Also, thanks to Vivian for helping me apply the lipstick. I tried several times on my own, but I just got clown-ier and clown-ier with each attempt.

Various Reactions
  • "What's going on? That's not your shade."
  • (politely) "Why are your lips so red?" "Lipstick." (still politely) "....Why?"
  • "What's wrong with your lips?"
  • *friends keep trying to take a picture of me*
  • "What the fuck?"
  • (noticing my lips while walking away to class) "OMG!? LIPSTICK!?"
  • "Henry, I love you." --told me to by my friend named Henry. Henrys get each other. 
  • *many friends keep trying to take a picture of me*
  • One of my friends didn't say a thing but while we're in the office together for an hour, I catch her keep staring at me secretly <----my favorite reaction.   

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Petting A Squirrel

 "I can't believe it, but I got to pet a squirrel today!!!" I say that in the highest, squealiest voice I can possible produce. And you know I can go pretty high and squealy. 

It was sooo cute! After NL, Normie (who I thank for the camerawork) and I ran into this cutie patootie squirrel, who was stealing cake from a lady's grocery bag. Adorable! I took it as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to try to hand-feed this squirrel. After picking up the scraps the squirrel dropped, the rest was history....

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sunday Dinner - Pizza From Scratch

Carmen, Kevin, Elyne and I always do "Sunday Dinner" together. We alternate hosting a dinner for each other at our respective apartments. It's a nice way to hang out with each other once in a while. We're all busy people, but this is a nice way to schedule in some time for each other to catch up. I'm actually surprised I haven't done a "Sunday Dinner" post yet. Oh well..this could be a good first one.

Let's go step-by-step with how we made our pizzas!!

1: Prepare the pizza dough! 

I had to borrow some sugar from the neighbor for the dough first.

 2: Prepare the ingredients!

Choppin' up them peppers and mushrooms and whatever else.
Scrambled egg is a GREAT pizza topping. 

 3: Prepare the crusts!

 4: Preheat the crusts a little bit!

Leaning Tower of Pizzas
 5: Spread sauce (which we heated to thicken) and add toppings!

We had assorted cheeses, pizza sauce, bbq sauce, jalapeños, spinach, caramelized onions, mushrooms, Italian sausage, chicken, and scrambled eggs.

 6: Heat up again and bake fully.

It was a lot of fun making 'em with friends and a lot of fun eating 'em. Typing up this post makes me wanna do it again. Definitely gonna have more of these in the future...maybe with other friends and my little cousins.


Thursday, September 27, 2012

HORT 105 - Hot Pepper Lab

This semester, I'm taking a Horticulture class (HORT 105 - Intro to Veg Gardening). As you may guess, this is not part of my major. I've got plenty of credit hours to spare, so I'm taking this last year to take some classes that are really out there...just for kicks.

I've always wanted to learn more about vegetable gardening since... ONE) my mom harvests a garden full of veggies every year, TWO) I'm a huge veggie eater.... so why not learn more about this! 

We're currently learning about peppers, and so we had a pepper lab. 
The Lab
Taste a variety of peppers to test how much heat can you handle.

The Peppers
All pepper cultivars/varieties are a part of the Capsicum annuum species, which produce capsaicin oil. This is the substance that makes peppers hot!! Because the spiciness is from an oil, that's why water is not an ideal fix. If your mouth is on fire from eating a spicy pepper, drink some milk or eat some peanut butter because the fats/oils in those products will negate the capsaicin oil's hotness.

As you can see from the above picture, the capsaicin glands are near the ridges of the cut pepper, also where the seeds are. The hottest parts of a pepper are the inner ridges. The mildest are toward the bottom of the pepper. 

Scoville Units
Hotness is measured in Scoville units. What does this mean? It's the amount of sugar water needed until it's not hot anymore. 

Green Bell Pepper - 0 Scovilles
Anaheim - 500 to 2000 Scovilles <-- I died at this level.
Jalapeño - 3500 to 8000 Scovilles
Habanero - 200 thousand to 350 thousand
Bhut Jolokia - 1 million
Pure Capsaicin - 15 million <--Don't touch this!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

[FAILED 365] Bike Co-Op

[[Today, I officially declare that I have failed my 365 (posting everyday for one year). I will restart some other day.]]

Well, it was my first day volunteering at the bike co-op, & it was pretty interesting. I really liked the environment there. It's a really friendly environment, and we're all just helping each other out and learning from one another.

I just menial shiz. I spent maybe 3 hours cutting spokes out of old rims, fixing flats, and getting rid of rims that were really untrued and/or rusty. Menial--but still fun!

I'm looking forward to volunteering here more in the future. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

[196] First BizCaz Practice // CSSA Moon Gala 2012

First BizCaz Practice
Forget the dumb icebreakers where we get to know each and blah blah blah.

Just kidding. We got in a circle and did a little icebreaker. Name, Major, City, and FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR! And when everyone said their name, we would all scream it in unison.

"Hi, my name is Henry..."
"...and I'm a senior in Kines. I'm from Chicago, and I love vanilla ice cream and pralines 'n' cream."


It  was so fun! Anyways, after the icebreaker, Dan & I talked about BizCaz a little more. What it is, what we have planned, and how we're happy to have 'em here. As opposed to the AAA FS gen meeting, talking to a group is a lot less difficult when we're all sitting down on equal levels (except for Kenny there in the picture who is standing up for some reason), and we all know each other's names.

Then, we got up to stretch out for the next activity...

My buddy Norman, Nightlife Coord, and I doing some arm stretch-aroonies!

So, for the rest of the practice, Dan & I wanted to do a fun little activity to kind of grease the wheels on learning choreography. We wanted to introduce a few key concepts and moves that we'll be using during practice such as ball-changes, distributing one's weight, a grapevine, "grooving" with your hips, body rolls, isolations etc. We expanded the circle to take up the whole room while Dan & I taught from the center of the circle--each facing different directions so everyone can see us equally.

 We took turns improvising moves to teach and practice with everyone (Ex. Dan - Ball change, Henry - Body Roll). As we taught new moves, we strung 'em together with the old moves (Ex. Ball change then body roll then snap then spin then footwork etc blah blah). By the end of the practice, we had all learned an improvised dance combo & we all did it together to Beyoncé's "Love On Top".

Watching everyone dance was beautiful. We've got new models shakin' their hips with the old models shakin' their hips with us. It really got me excited to start up practices and after Dan finishes his piece, start teaching everyone my piece. From this day forward, these guys are my babies :3

CSSA Moon Gala 2012
In celebration of the Moon Festival, CSSA (Chinese Students & Scholars Association) puts on an annual show with music, dancing, acting, prizes. This was, by far, one of the best live shows I've seen--and it was almost completely in Mandarin, which I don't understand a lick of! Now that's sayin' something.

The performances were really, really good. The hosts were really, really them TVB hosts you see on TV. Most importantly, every performer was really, really good. Jeez this intro video for Pete's sake...

Do you see how good that was!? AMAZING! And was not done by a professional advertising company but a college club. DAMN! It was all done by just students.

My favorite performance was this Chinese drama they did. Acting soo good!! They were happy, they were sad...they were crying...they were editing, funny, sad, happy. And they were hot! LOL. Gosh!! So good! S....oo......good.....soooo GOOD!

I can't load it to the right time, but check this video out...the Chinese drama they enacted starts at around 15:48...19:35 if you wanna see 'em start acting on stage....

SO GOOD! I would recommend watching the whole show!! Do it. Browse through all the videos on YouTube and watch the entire show.


So awesome!!


Friday, September 21, 2012

[195] CRCE Choreo

Ta - da! Tomorrow's the first day of BizCaz practice. I can't believe it's already been a week since our AAA Fashion Show general meeting.

Although tomorrow's practice is sort of just an icebreaker kind of day to get to know our models a little bit and introduce ourselves, it'll be a quick 7 days after that before we have actual dance practice and start learning choreography.

Since Dan is teaching first, we went out to CRCE (our gym) in the morning, and he taught me his piece. Really fun! I'm looking forward to seeing how he'll teach it and how the models will learn it....8 days from today.

Gah! Again, I'm so nervous but excited at the same time. Woo!! Let's go, let's get it! It's getting real-er & real-er. I'm a frickin' coord.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

[194] Random #14

Fun Fact About Me:

I like runny eggs, and this consistency is poifect!

Eggs-cellent! <---don't tell me you didn't see this coming...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

[193] Group Project---I Hate Group Projects!

Damnit! Another group project. There's really not a semester that I can escape these, huh?

I don't know how you guys feel about group projects, but my college experience with them has been frickin' awful!! The projects are usually worth a big chunk of your grade, yet the members are so incompetent. They're lazy and don't want to do any work but during meetings, they reassure you so much that they'll do their part and so you have confidence in the time our project is almost done, they did do the work, but it's crap!


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

[192] Farmer's Market

I believe this is the first time I've been to a farmer's market. The one I went to was a very small one with maybe just two farms selling their stuff. On the weekends, there's another much larger one and I know in Chicago, there are really big ones too.

Oh well...this one was really cute, and I think it was a good first experience. As you may expect, since it was so small, there really wasn't anyone looking. This gave me a really great opportunity to talk to the farmers about their farms, where they come from, what they specialize in, and then they taught me a few things about their vegetables. 

I got some candied onions that smelled sooooo good! I can't wait to eat 'em. On the bus ride back, just being next to 'em was making my mouth water. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

[191] Random #13

This is cool. Can someone explain how he did this to me? I can't wrap my head around this little trick.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

[190] Random #12

HAHAHAHAHA.... I can't believe this was the random from my Tumblr.....soooo funnny (yet awful).

I especially like the pencil roll towards the bottom of the stairs in the second .GIF

Saturday, September 15, 2012

[189] AAA Family Olympiad - Prestigious Predators

AAA Family Olympiad--just an annual competition between AAA families. 

One of the funnest events that I've never seen before was called Necking The Orange. Basically, members would have to pass an orange down the line of teammates using only your necks! If the orange dropped, you have to pick it up with your elbow and the teammates would receive it with their neck.

Another really fun moment was during a four-legged race, where three team members' ankles were tied together like so... team members had the brilliant idea to take someone small in the middle, two big guys on the ends, and then just carrying the little one and hauling ass towards the end line. We were TOO FAST!! TOO FUNNY!!

In the end though, we didn't win anything, but the family had tons of fun & took beautiful family pictures.

Friday, September 14, 2012

[188] AAA Family 2012-2013 - Prestigious Predators

AAA Family ... read all about what it is here.

Anyways, I think today was when we all met up and the bigs meet their littles. Surprisingly, I signed up to be a big this year. Big year for Henry.

What a small world though! Guess who is my little? TIMMY! That was basically just me talking to myself in my head, but you guys probably don't know him like I do.

I already knew Timmy (or at least knew who he was for years and years now) and vice versa because although he's three years younger, we both went to the same high school and grade school AND he's the little brother of my classmate Kevin, who I've been in the same class since Kindergarten. COINCIDENCE!

Another coincidence! Both Timmy and I just kinda met up with the group but while they had family dinner, both he and I had to go to work.

Third coincidence!! Another family member is Jenny, who is the little sister of my sister's friend/classmate since Kindergarten.

Final coincidence!! We have another family member named Henry!!

Whooo!!! This is so exciting! I was so pumped up!!

I love coincidental, "it's a small world", six degrees of separation type stuff!!

P.S. Our family names are themed after movies and we're Prestigious Predators, a mix between The Prestige and Predators. Har har har. I think it's funny.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

[187] Red Lobster // Target

Red Lobstuh - Endless Shramp
Today, I went to Red Lobster for Endless Shrimp with Anna, Teresa, and Paul. I don't think anyone know any of 'em besides Teresa. Y'all should know Teresa, right? I don't want to do introductions so bleh...whatever...Anna, Teresa, and Paul. Oh wait!! Here's Teresa!

Anyways, we decided to have a boys vs. girls eat-off. Paul and I vs. Teresa and Anna. I don't want to go into the details (because I don't really remember the score specifically), but I do remember us completely losing--as a duo and individually. 


LOL! This was so funny!! When we first entered, Paul and I were trying to figure out how these work during which everyone ditched us. Originally, Paul and I had our own (I think) but his may have died, so he hopped into the cart of mine. 

Paul and I drove around Target in this little thing looking for the others, and it was so much fun!!! Surprisingly, no Target employees stopped us. We thought we were gonna get stopped indefinitely at one point when we were trying to get through a narrow toy aisle with a worker there. Nope. He politely squeezed past us and we cruised slowly through. (He should've yelled at us). As we continued searching the store, we finally found Teresa. She was soooo we followed her. LOL!

Unfortunately, the thing ran out of juice fast, so Paul ditched me as I trudged toward the front of the store to recharge my like 0.5 miles per hour....I finally got there like 15 minutes later. I didn't think it would make it, but luckily it did. Bleh...I wasn't buying anything, so I sat in the cart as it charged planning some AAA BizCaz stuff until everyone else was ready to leave. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

[186] AAA Fashion Show General Meeting 2012-2013

Here's basically how it went...

[gets nervous]
[nervousness escalates]
[throws beanie down and exclaims "F**K! I hate public speaking"]
[regains composure]

Then, we danced.

Whoo! Go BizCaz! Business Casual!!