Tuesday, November 13, 2012

That Valirian Root Experiment

In a previous post, I've mentioned the good and bad effects of valirian root. Basically, good = helps you sleep and bad = gives you really f***ed up dreams.

Regardless of the bad, I wanted to try it ... AND I GOT MY ROOMIES TO TRY IT WITH ME TOO!
Let's make this really quick and dry.

The purpose of this experiment is to observe the effects of ingesting valirian root in tea form.

-Valirian Root
-condensed milk
-boiling water

-put 1 tbsp of valirian root into a cup
-add however much condensed milk to sweeten
-pour boiling water (boil water prior)
-repeat all steps for each participant


Hiep: knocked out, no nightmares
Henry: knocked out, no nightmares
Jeff: experienced difficulty sleeping, no nightmares
Dan: experienced difficulty sleeping, no nightmares
Emily: experienced difficulty sleeping, no nightmares

Inconclusive. Results varied. However, although it worked for only 2/5 participants, I would argue that it's a potent sleeping aid. Hiep, who had only been awake for 4 hrs prior to ingestion of said weed, managed to knock out for a whole day and miss his classes. Henry also knocked out and missed all his classes. Jeff, Dan, and Emily may be sensitive towards sweets and the condensed milk may have kept them awake more than the Valirian Root made them want to sleep.

Nightmares. I wish I had em. I wonder what I would dream up. In the future, I would like to try this again but without the condensed milk. Give me nightmares, damnit!

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