Wednesday, June 26, 2013

[41] Surprise Family Visit

It's not so important what we did but just that they visited. My little cousin Jerry is going to China for a month, so my sister Becky planned this surprise visit so he can see me before he flies off. She brought the whole posse too--my other little cousins, my mom, and ... herself. I think this was, in part, for me too. As I was talking about in another post, I really miss home when I'm away for school. It's more this year than years before, but it's hitting me especially hard this summer...and Beeckity knew. I didn't even want to come back  for the summer, but I'm an adult and I have certain responsibilities and obligations for my future. Blah! So I'm stuck here.

Don't get me wrong, when I'm here, I enjoy work and hanging with my roommates and the environment and everything. But, if you gave me a choice of being home or here (with no consequences), I'll choose to go back home in a second. It's just... I don't know why I miss my family so much. I never thought me much as the kind of person who "misses" someone. Do I want to see them? Sure. But I know I'm very fine without seeing them. It's only in my upperclassman undergraduate years when I realize how much I can yearn to see people and truly miss someone. And I learned that because of my family. There are people who are like-family here but as much I love Jeff and Wing, I can't necessarily count them as family.

I don't know why I'm complaining because in all sincerity, I love being here in Urbana-Champaign, too. There's a lot of great friends, I love the independence, and there are so many different types of opportunities and perks of being here. But still, the only thing that pulls my frickin' heartstrings to want to go home right that moment is thinking about Joe and Becky and my mom and all my little cousins.

Okay, I'm really done with this. I just keep going back and forth with this. I should go to sleep. In conclusion though, I really appreciate my family coming down to see me. It meant more to me than they can even fathom. I think about them everyday and I miss them everyday, and I'm just counting the days I can come back home and see them again and give them a great big hug. In the meantime, I will do 'me' while they do 'them' and we'll all meet back up in August when we can enjoy the time we will share together.

gNite <3


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