Monday, June 24, 2013

[39] Insomnia Bike Ride

My sleep schedule has been seriously out of whack. I've been sleeping between 4am-8am and waking up between 12pm-4pm. By some miracle I was sleepy today by 12am, so I thought "Yes! This is the day I fix my sleep schedule!"


 My body was just teasing me. It took a nap instead and woke up 2 hours later. So there I was laying in my bed at 2am trying to fall back asleep. An hour and a half go by, and I realize I cannot will myself back to sleep, so I head into the living room where my roommate Dan was still awake.

A chit and a chat later, we're getting dressed, putting on our bike lights, and bringing the bikes out for a late-night, insomniac's bike ride.

Here's our beautiful and convoluted route mapped out using 

Two hours later with a few breaks reminiscing at our old dorm ISR, checking out a park, and ogling at big, fancy campus apartments, we got back at 6am after biking a total of 8.52 miles.

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