Sunday, June 23, 2013

[38] Ladder Push-Ups

Today, Dan and I were introduced to Ladder Push-Ups by Hiep. There are two components of this workout: push-ups and shoulder touches. Here's how you do 'em...

 Starting on your knees, you go down to do your push-up(s). After completing the push-up(s), sit back up onto your knees, reach both arms straight up towards the ceiling and touch both shoulders with the homolateral (same side) hand. Repeat shoulder touch as instructed.

1 - One push-up. One shoulder touch. Then go back down to do...
2 - Two push-ups. Two shoulder touches. Then go back down to do...
3 - Three push-ups. Three shoulder touches....
4 -
5 -
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 - Ten push-ups. Ten shoulder touches.
9 -
8 -
7 -
6 -
5 -
4 -
3 - Three push-ups. Three shoulder touches. Then go back down to do...
2 - Two push-ups. Two shoulder touches. Then go back down to do...
1 -  Last push-up. Last shoulder touch.

Do you see why they're called ladder push-ups? You do not use any physical ladder whatsoever. It's not a specific type of push-up that resembles a ladder. You're simply doing push-ups and shoulder touches...climbing higher and higher in how many you do then back down. And if you complete it, 100 push-ups later and 100 shoulder touches later, you're probably dead.

Hell! I couldn't complete it, and I STILL died. I went up to the top of the ladder, climbed down to the 8th rung, then fell off the ladder. I'm still pretty pleased I was able to push myself to complete 62 push-ups but by the time I reached my limit, I couldn't push up from the push-up. I was cheeking the floor with my arms noodle-y limp at my sides, and Hiep had to pull me off the ground.

This ladder is my Everest, and I will climb it.
Another day.
I still have a bit of whine left in me until I'm ready to attempt it again.

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