Friday, August 24, 2012

[167] Last Undergrad Move In Day

Wow, I can't believe this is going to be the last time I move into either the dorms or an apartment! [I don't want this to be my last year of undergraduate school!] It was a really good move-in though. I had the help of like four people: one of my new roommates Hiep, Becky, Jerry, and Teresa. It would have been a pain in the ass moving into our third-floor apartment solo...Hiep would know. :P

(Informal shoutout to my buddy Hiep who probably won't ever read this) He was the first to move in so he had the disadvantage of moving in all by himself and then helping the rest of us too, which he did cordially. He's a really great guy! I'm sure he appreciated the workout though, and we greatly appreciated the helping hand.

Anyways, we got unpacked pretty quickly, and we were able to finally get some grub in our tummies 'cause we were starving--Hiep too. We called up a few other friends who were already on campus and we all shared a nice meal at ....

[drum roll]

My cousin Jerry reads my blog (hopefully he still follows it though I haven't been keeping up with it) and read that little ditty about the Reuben sandwich. Since then, I've been dying to bring the rascal to Courier Cafe and have him try it for himself. I think he ordered the Reuben. "Did he?" "He did." "Did he?" "Yeah." "You sure?" ....I don't quite remember, but he may have. Stilllll soooo goooddd...although this time, I have one teensy complaint. I wish they had more sauerkraut. I luh that stuff!


That's all I remember about that day. I'm sure we had a really great bonding time before my family had to go back to Chicago. Thanks for accompanying me on the move-in. I hope you guys had fun!

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