Wednesday, August 15, 2012

[158] Plentils & Wow Bao

Some radio station (I think) was having a big promotion thing in the courtyard of the office building I worked at. You know what that means, don't you? FREEBIES!

So, during my lunch break, I went downstairs and capitalized like crazy. Pepsi, paper fans, dumb keychains, plastic cups, blah blah blah. Whatever. All that's useless crap, but there were two things that got me super excited.

1. Plentils
They let me take like 10 bags & I got to try all the flavors except Garlic & Parmesan. They ran out. Bummer.

2. Wow Bao
Got 5! Vegatarian, chicken something, wheat something, something, & something something. Delicious!

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