Saturday, August 10, 2013

[86] Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Day 6

I'm just counting out a week since that's around how long it takes for the healing process. We're almost there, so I expect that in one more day, I will be completely fine and I will go back to eating and drinking and brushing like normal.

My jaw still has a little tightness, but I'm continuing to gain more mobility in my jaw. Today was my first day chewing. My bottom teeth can make contact with my top teeth. Imagine that! Before, my cheeks were in the way so if I tried to chew, I would pretty much just bite my own cheek. I had an actual meal today!!

I had chicken wings and rice and veggies and veggies. So good!!

On another note, I finally got to see some more of my family since being back in Chicago. During the day, I visited my little cousins Jerry and Daniel. Jerry told me all about his China trip and Daniel played games in the other room. We ate dinner together though and talked and caught up and stuff. During nighttime, I went biking with my cousin Darren and Becky. We were supposed to catch a meteor shower by the Lake, but we didn't see jack. Lucky Darren caught one, but it was a fruitless trip for Becky and I. Well.... I guess not fruitless. It was definitely a good time, and I finally fulfilled my promise to bike with Darren. Good day.

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