Thursday, August 8, 2013

[84] Wisdom Teeth Extraction - Day 4

So I found out today that icing beyond 24-hours-after-the-surgery is pretty much useless. It doesn't help with the healing or swelling, but it maaaayy cause your jaw to be pretty stiff--which is exactly what was happening to me. Ignorant of this information, I was icing and icing and consequently, I couldn't open my mouth wide enough to even chuckle comfortably.

Finally, I stopped, and my jaw feels amazing. Overall, it's been a good day! I could talk and laugh and eat. I ate a lot today! I've moved up from liquid foods to semi-solid foods like mashed potatoes and ravioli. And I even went biking today...I was out for maybe only an hour and a half, but that was a good hour and a half. However, I came home and there was a little blood in my mouth. I gotta be careful. I'm not sure what happened, but yeah... I gotta be careful.

Oh yeah, but my cheeks are still really puffy.

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