Sunday, October 21, 2012

AAA BizCaz - First Teaching Day

Finally, the day has come where I would finally start teaching my first choreography for BizCaz. Unfortunately, Dan, my co-coord would not be there. This made me a little nervous at first but all-in-all, I knew it would be fine. Also, it gave me a great opportunity to run practice however I wanted--and I wanted to play with a few things and just change it up...for me. :D

I showed up 15 minutes early for practice, so I could see the models file in. I just sat in the front of the room waiting. As they filed in, I had them all sign in with a pen and paper. Naturally, after signing in, they would sit by me and eventually we had a nice little cluster. It was really fun talking to the models personally and really getting to know them a little bit and having them know me. Usually, everyone just filed in, minded their own business, and the models were very scattered.

As most of the group showed up, we got up to warm up. Usually, we stretch, which isn't necessarily a warm-up. I wanted to ACTUALLY warm-up, so I taught the moves for The Wobble (a line dance) really quickly, then we did it to the music.

This was the main thing I wanted to try out.
It was so fun watching people pick it up really fast, do the wrong moves, look really confused, adding their own flavor, and most importantly, having fun.

Afterwards, I taught my piece. Also, super duper fun teaching BizCaz. And people seemed to like it, so I'm very glad. I really can't wait to continue teaching "Bait" by Wale and to teach other pieces for BizCaz and maybe more.

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