Saturday, December 10, 2011

Pasta Tex Mex Mess

We all love food. We all eat I'm going to keep having food posts. Besides, as I said in an earlier post, I'm really happy with myself...that I'm cooking things.

/goes back to check previous posts.

Okay... I can't find if I actually posted anywhere that I'm really proud of myself. It may have been another one of those things where I only had the thought in my mind, but I also thought I said it or wrote it or otherwise. You guys have had that right?

Person 1: Hey! You never reminded me to take a shower yesterday!
You: Yeah, I did. I called you right after The Price Is Right.
Person 1: I never got any phone calls.
You: Hm... I must have just thought I did all that. 

As I'm reading that, I'm getting confused. Basically, I made up a memory. I have a lot of those moments. They're pretty funny in hindsight though.

Anyways, I was really hungry and just as I was about to make rice, I decided to make pasta instead. I haven't made it all semester even though we have about 8 boxes of pasta in our apartment.


-whole wheat pasta
-potatoes (cubed)
-Ragu pasta sauce
-Tex Mex Fiesta seasoning
-sharp cheddar cheese

My thought/cooking
-Scooping rice. "Hm...I've never made pasta. Let's have that instead"
-"We still have potatoes from the beginning of the semester and onions from Thanksgiving"
-Cuts up potatoes and onions
-Boils pasta, potatoes, and onions all together
-Once ingredients are fully cooked, brought it from Med heat to Low heat
-Pour in Ragu sauce
-"Hm... I want to add more stuff" Scans counter of seasonings--salt, pepper, olive oil, soy sauce, cinnamon, lemon pepper, TEX MEX FIESTA SEASONING. "I don't know if I've ever had this."
-Dump a bunch of Tex Mex Fiesta Seasoning onto pot and mix.
-Dump pasta into bowl
-" there anything else I can add" Sees bag of sharp cheddar with a little left
-Sprinkle cheese on top of pasta and microwave.


The other day, I was talking to my little cousin Jerry about cooking and how neither of us really know how. I can throw ingredients together and create foods that are edible (at least for me), but I'm not even close to being able to say I can cook. Jerry and I are planning to learn to cook over winter break. We don't know what we'll be cooking, but I'm super excited! 

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