Saturday, September 1, 2012

[175] Random #7

This is probably one of the coolest pictures ever for many, many reasons.

  • This looks like magic...levitating girl
  • You can see this as static (non-moving) where she's just holding herself up. In which case, she's super strong and super impressive. 
  • You can also see this as dynamic (moving) where she's spinning around the pole. In which case, she's still super strong because she's still holding herself up with one arm AND it looks super fun.
  • She looks like a dancer.
  • She looks very graceful and look at that calm composure.
  • She's Asian and pretty.
  • It's a clear, good quality photo.
  • The sign has an arrow pointing to her as if it were saying "Check her out! She's so cool!"

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