Saturday, July 28, 2012

[140] Urbana Birthday Weekend - Day 1

Well, after the last day of CFC, I caught the Greyhound to Urbana for the weekend. Started my first day here with a really great workout with my buddies, Hiep (my future roommate and good friend) and Venus (this blog has enough occurrences of her for y'all to know who she is). 

  • Woke up at 8am
  • Ran 4.5 miles
  • Circuit Training around the Quad

    • Station 1 - Oblique Push-ups (¿20? on each side)
        Without the board
    • Station 2 - Squats (20-30)
    • Station 3 - Upward Dog-to-Downward Dog Sequence (20 reps) 
    • Station 4 - Agility Jumps (30 sec on facing forward then backward)
      • alternate jumping to either side of any line on the ground as fast as you can
    • Station 5 - Lunges (30 sec for each leg)
    • Station 6 - Crunch to Reverse Crunch (as long as I felt like)
  • Yoga
    • Sunset Salutations A series - 2 reps
    • Sunset Salutations B series - 2 reps
    • Various Standing Poses
  • Various Stretching 
    • Hiep, Venus, and I took turns leading different stretches

Doing all this was actually really perfect following CFC. It was like a "post-final-assessment" assessment. Again, remember that day where I ONLY ran 0.8 miles? Well, today, I ran 4.5 miles! Then I did so many other exercises, and it felt great. This young man even led some yoga. 

I'm not tooting my own horn, but I'm pretty proud of myself. :]


Oh yEah! And then at night, I celebrated my birthday with my twin, Vivian...AGAIN!!! I'm so lucky! I get to celebrate it twice in one year. We played this aweomely fun game called Boom Chicka Boom-Boom Boom Boom. I'm definitely bringing this back home and playing with my little cousins!! 

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