Sunday, October 3, 2010

AAA Family Olympiad / Cravings

Mo' bonding time with the AAA fam, nawww meeeen. We weren't close to winning the Olympiad, it was extremely cold, we were out there for hours for like four activities...but it was so much fun. It was really great spending time with my AAA family. Also, Jeffrey was on crack that day. Seriously, he's retarded. LOL.  

Anyways, I just want to reiterate.... They're just all really cool people and we just really hit it off. We all get along and ... seriously. It's be dope, mang. Afterwards, we went to Cravings (local Chinese restaurant). The food was alright. This other place, Mandarin Wok, which we ate at with my mom, Simon, and Danny, was better. The chrysanthemum tea at Mandarin Wok is soooooooooooooooooooooo good. Cravings was pretty good too, but it's also really cheap. Plus, my big sibling treated me. YIPPEE!

 During the whole dinner, we all had really good conversation and joked around and we might dress up together for Halloween. We're thinking of being either our favorite animals or dressing up as Pokémon. DIBS ON MR. MIME!! 

"Mime! Mime!"


  1. Dude you still dont know how to spell my name.

  2. Your name doesn't know how to spell itself >8[

    LOL. At this point, I might never get it right consistently.
