Friday, October 1, 2010

AAA Family / Mafia

Within Asian American Association, we have these "families" with "bigs" and "littles" .... which are basically like big brothers/sisters and little brothers/sisters. Families will hang out together every once in a while and it's also to sort of expand the people you know within the club....or something....really sleep typing right now... uh...

Anyways, today was really nice. At night, the family all got together. The bigs brought dishes and we all had dinner together at one of the big's apartment. It was a pretty snazzy apartment with awesome orangey colored walls everywhere. It was a really good dinner except that my FOOD WON'T DIGEST!!! /punches stomach. Just kidding. I wish I could've eaten more....sad face.

After dinner, we played mafia. SOO FUN! This was my first time playing. Gosh darn it, it's so hard to figure out who is mafia though....and it's awkward as hell to fabricate a whole cover story and try to act like you're innocent if you're mafia. Narrator seems really fun. You get to make up imaginary stories for every event....improv practically. I would want to play mafia again with my friends back home.  

This was the first time I met my big. She's extremely nice and I'm glad she's my big. She's really chill and friendly and not awkward so it wasn't awkward for me. Smiles. The rest of the family are really cool too. They're all really friendly people and it was a great time chilling quite comfortably with everyone. This Sunday is the AAA Family Olympiad (family versus family in like relays and shiz) and I'm really looking forward to that. 


  1. yay hope you pwn the olympiad. my family had won with another family cus both of our families didnt have enough members who showed up lol

  2. You WOULD join the Asian American club there.
    Don't be one of those Asians, Henry! Branch out!

  3. Yer yer yer...Asian American Association! I branched out already. The only people I talk to from my classes are black....and two white guys in one of my labs.
