Friday, November 9, 2012

Chester Street Bar (C-Street)

Becky, Ruth, and Jackie visited Urbana this weekend.

We had dinner at Teresa's. "Thank you, Teresa for making us dinner! It was delicious!!" Then, we got ready for a night out at Chester Street Bar.

First time at C-Street Bar. Glad to share it with all these lovelies.

Including Jeffffffffffff!!

They play techno-ed versions of top 40 hits and many female 80s and 90s artists. It was hard to dance to. However, there's a nice (and a little awkward) crowd and really cheap cover charge--$3.

For a Friday night, the crowd was scarce. I've heard so many good things about this bar, but maybe we came on the wrong night. I'll have to check it out some other time, but this time was a little disappointing. We still had a lot of fun with each other though dancing on the dance floor.

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