Friday, September 23, 2011


Let's pretend this is the first post of the semester. My last one didn't tell you guys anything about my school year.

School is definitely in! This week was the first flood of exams and, boy, did it hit me hard. (Is that punctuation correct?) I had my Anatomy/Physiology exam on Wednesday night and then I had my Human Sexuality exam Thursday morning. Although last week I planned to start studying for the Anatomy/Physiology exam to get a good pacing going on, but I unfortunately procrastinated until around Sunday (or was it Monday). One thing always led to another, and I ended up preoccupied with something else other than studying. Even when I had scheduled time to study, I wasn't quite in the mood. So...instead I wasted time and spent my week and weekend  goofing off, listening to music, dancing, watching videos, etc--Not to say it wasn't well spent though. I certainly enjoyed every minute of it hanging out with friends or even by myself. I was so happy....until Monday.

I would study with all the breaks I had and stay at the library until 2am to 4am. Even after sleeping so little the day before the exam, I could only afford small naps and had to use the rest of the time after my classes and before my night exam studying.

Then, after my night exam on Wednesday, I had to start studying for my Human Sexuality exam the next morning (Thursday). I studied until 5:30am-ish, woke up at 7:30am for my lab which lasted two hours, and then I had my exam right afterwards.  

Even with so little sleep, I'm still functioning. I got two little naps during the day, which helped a ton!!! However, I don't want to do that every again. Seriously. Cramming is not fun. was fun staying up with friends...but it's not worth the toll it takes on my mental state and ... yeah...well, it's just really not healthy. My mom always emphasized the importance of sleep to me. This would not make her very proud of me. 

Bleeblooblah...well that's my crappy exam week. I'm so glad to get that over with and get on with my life--and my exams for next week, the week after, and the week after that. Yikes. But regardless, I've got a great weekend to look forward to. I have a few of my buddies performing dance and drum tomorrow (Friday), gonna go over some fundamental volleyball skills and get a few good peppers in, a nice lunch and dinner date with my buddy Wing, Asian American Association Fashion Show dance practices (I'm so excited for waltz...the choreography for that is so beautiful...I will tell Venus that over and over again...),  AAA Kickball. It's gonna be a good one, guys.

Ahhh..... I'm so happy just thinking about that now. It's nice to get back into the groove of things. I missed the hell out of AAA. Presently, it feels good to be busy. It's stressful...but it's a good stress.

Anyways, gosh... I have really long wordy ass entries. Don't read this guys. LOL! I'll just bold words to sum it up for y'all. And I'm not proofreading. Or adding a picture. Man, I'm really making it hard for you guys, ain't I? I'm done with my little rant on exams and stuff. Next week, I'll let you guys know how dance practices are coming along and also my volunteering at Carle Hospital!! WOOO!!! And working in my research lab!! WOOOO!!! I'm shadowing a new Occupational Therapist this semester, who I've been really interested in working with since last year, and the research lab peeps are getting really interesting. I think just working with them for one semester got us a lot closer and more comfortable. Anyways, I like fun intermingled with work.

I say anyways a lot. Anyways, enjoi! Peace.

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