Saturday, September 25, 2010

Do Da Dansing

So today was the first day I attended AAA dance practice. Boy oh boy oh boy I'm a little retarded at learning dances. I learn soooooo slow and I can't remember none of the moves. I can't even remember them to practice at home. There were a few others who are learning it for the first time too and they figured it out. Aish. Maybe I'm not focused enough. I'll focus better next time. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS. FORD FOCUS!!

Anyways, all-in-all it was really fun learning choreography though. First, this girl Jae taught this really fun dance to "I'm Back" by Lee Hyori. It's fun and I like it but when I listen to the song, I can't even figure where in the song we start the choreo. Maybe it's a cut. Eh...whatevz. Next we started to learn Jeff's dance. Oy goyum, it's too sexxy for its shirt and stuff, ya know. It's hard too .... but so sexxy. Gotta practice mo' on that thang. Gotta learn to arm wave with my right arm and move my left leg consecutively. WHY CAN'T I MOVE MY LEFT LEG AND THEN MOVE IT AGAIN!?

Finally, the last dance I had practice for was an Indonesian dance. Check it out below.

At first, I thought it would be pretty simple, but it's soooo hard. It's so weird. Maybe I just suck at learning dances. Man oh man, these dances are difficult. Gotta step it up! Actually, I might not be doing the Indonesian dance though. :=/

Uh...that's all, folks! Practice again this Saturday. I will get the dances down then. YAHOO!!

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