Saturday, September 25, 2010

Do Da Dansing

So today was the first day I attended AAA dance practice. Boy oh boy oh boy I'm a little retarded at learning dances. I learn soooooo slow and I can't remember none of the moves. I can't even remember them to practice at home. There were a few others who are learning it for the first time too and they figured it out. Aish. Maybe I'm not focused enough. I'll focus better next time. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS. FORD FOCUS!!

Anyways, all-in-all it was really fun learning choreography though. First, this girl Jae taught this really fun dance to "I'm Back" by Lee Hyori. It's fun and I like it but when I listen to the song, I can't even figure where in the song we start the choreo. Maybe it's a cut. Eh...whatevz. Next we started to learn Jeff's dance. Oy goyum, it's too sexxy for its shirt and stuff, ya know. It's hard too .... but so sexxy. Gotta practice mo' on that thang. Gotta learn to arm wave with my right arm and move my left leg consecutively. WHY CAN'T I MOVE MY LEFT LEG AND THEN MOVE IT AGAIN!?

Finally, the last dance I had practice for was an Indonesian dance. Check it out below.

At first, I thought it would be pretty simple, but it's soooo hard. It's so weird. Maybe I just suck at learning dances. Man oh man, these dances are difficult. Gotta step it up! Actually, I might not be doing the Indonesian dance though. :=/

Uh...that's all, folks! Practice again this Saturday. I will get the dances down then. YAHOO!!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ponyta Dream.

I skipped my 8AM class today but as a result, I was able to stay and dream. I would say that's a pretty good trade-off...then I realized the class takes attendance. GULP.

Anyways, my dream....

So, I walk out of the house toward the garage. My cousin Simon and my mom are in the garage. The garage door was like half up and they were hacking away at it at the bottom. I was like, "WTF ARE YOU GUYS DOING!" Oh yEah..THEY HAVE AXES!!!! So crazy. Anyways, they said the garage door was broken so they were trying to fix it. (My thoughts as I'm typing this: How would that have fixed it?) Oooh...let me a draw y'all a picture.

There's Simon, me, and my mom (from left to right). The dark bold horizontal line is supposed to be where the garage door end. It was a bit open, remember? And I tried to illustrate that by drawing what's outside the garage...trees and grass and shiz (though not really). And there you see in the red and orange where they were hacking at the garage door.
Continuing with the story, the garage door is broken and so they're hacking away at the bottom of the door, making a vertical gash. Ultimately, they decide "this isn't going to work". (No shit, Sherlock!) So they, say they have to "rip down the whole door". (Wait...what?) They both give it one last hack getting their axes stuck in the gash and then they use that leverage pull down the whole garage door. 

There it is. the whole garage door got owned and it fills up the entire floor of the garage. I'm still in the corner with my hands by my face like 'WTF'. Oh shit....then the garage door starts rattling and Ponyta crawls out from under the garage door. (In the dream, I had a pet poodle named Ponyta)

Ponyta was a toy poodle. Like this, except with really little hair where you can see it's gray body. I couldn't find a bald poodle picture. I thought there would be many. 

I ran to Ponyta and was like, "Holy moly! Are you okay?" I ran back inside where Becky was working in the dining room and asked her, "Do you know where Joe is?" "Yeah. He's right here." Joe was under her feet like Joe is under Amy's in this picture:

"Do you know where Ponyta is?" "I'm not sure." "That's right because Ponyta was in the garage!!" Then, I ran away and took Ponyta to take a bath in the basement. I filled up the tub...

...and tried to put Ponyta in, but then when I put her in, the water was too high and she was completely submerged. I let out some of the water and tested again. She was still too short. I let out a little more. She was still too short, but then I put her in anyways and she was swimming around the tub and I was like "Awwww......." 

END OF DREAM!! It ended with Ponyta swimming around.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Create Your Own Omelette:
2 eggs, shrooms, tomatoes, grn peppers, cheese.
Hash Browns.

Cream of Wheat & Oatmeal w/ CINNAMON SUGAR!!
So good, but this still can't top momma' oatmeal.

Kiwis! In half!
They also had grapefruit.
I tried it and didn't like it.
The best poster ever!
Definitely want to jack it. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Purusa, "the Primal Man"

Yo! I'm going to drop some Asian Mythology on y'all asses.

I first got the idea cause I saw my little cousin, Kerlina's, Facebook page. She had this little figure in her main page and it reminded me of something--It reminded me of the story of Purusa. 

Who is Purusa?

This is Purusa.

The Primal Man (not to be confused with the Primate Man like Teresa did. LOL)

●̮̮̃•̃) •••••►Head
/█\ •••••► Waist
.Π. •••••►Feet

Anyways, this is a creation myth in Indian Mythology during the early Vedic times. According to this story, the world came from all the different parts of Purusa. Purusa sacrificed himself to create the world. From his navel came the air, from his eyes came the sun and the moon.  

From his head, he created the Brahmanas. A social caste that consisted of religious and academia roles such as the priests and teachers.

From his arms, he created the Ksatriyas. This was the warrior class. 

From his thighs, he created the Vaishyas. These were the merchants, farmers, architects, doctors etc.

From his feet, he created the Sudras. These were the laboring class who were servants to the other three classes.

Despite this caste system, there was ranking based on wealth or power or anything. It was an egalitarian society. The priests, which might be taken as the most important, were actually the poorest. Being apart from worldy things, they were broke. 


Brahmanas-Eh...I remember this well because Brahman and Brahmana and Brahmin etc is so commonly discussed.

Ksatriyas is pronounced 'sah-tree-ya' and in Chinese, "to kill" is pronounced 'saht' ... warriors kill so TA DA! Ksatriyas.

Vaishyas sounds just like my friend's name, Vaishak, who wants to be a doctor and lo' and behold, a doctor falls into the Vaishya class. 

Sudra-I'll just think of it as 'SHOE-dra". Where do you wear shoes? FEET! Yeah man. And typically when you think of feet, the lowest part of the body, you think of laborers. Or at least I do. Done and done. 

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Every year, all the small groups in CFC (Covenant Fellowship Church) compete in an event called the Mini Olympics. It's a big competition with like 16 different competing groups...maybe more. I have no clizzle. But anyways...I represented... 

...with Wing and company. 

This is our ABEL team. I think we're missing a lot of people though. Hm...I don't know how it works. OH WAIT! It was ABEL 1&8. I guess this is just ... either 1 or 8. BGLJFDLSJDKLFJEKLJLD!

Anyways, I thought it would be like an awesome obstacle course relay race thing and it would've been really fun. BUT DAMN IT WAS SOOO TIRESOME! If maybe there wasn't so much athleticism involved, it would've been better....or if I didn't do all the spinning events. 

Spin Relay. Each team chooses four participants. Each participant has to have their hand on a basketball and spin around it a minimum of 15 turns. When one is done spinning, he/she takes the ball and runs with it like half a block and pass it to the next teammate who does the same thing and so on. As a team, they have to have a total of 75 spins. If the first three people only spin 15 times, then the last person has to finish the 75 total and spin 30 times....this is what happened to me. Sad face. 

Area Competition. There are five roles. 
1. Suicides-Does suicides from one side to the other, having to complete a math question before running back to the start line and tagging the next person.
2. Runner-Effin runs around the whole field, which is like one lap around ... 4 tennis courts? Also, has to answer the math question afterwards. 
3. Tire Carrier-Runs with three tires to other side, answers math Q, and runs back to tag next person.
4. Spinner (ME)-Spins around the effing basketball again 25 times, runs down to answer question, and runs back.
5. Anchor-Just going to run to answer math question, and run back to start. 

It was a fun experience because the people are really, really nice and funny...and this one girl be flippin' CRAZY! She on crack, but she's really, really cool. 


Wednesday, September 8, 2010



What could make a better day? MEATLOAF!!

It was soooo goood!! The whatever sauce thing that's on top was delicious .... it was a sweetish glaze thing that most likely also had ketchup. Very delicious. Took three pieces to-go in tupperware.

They also had salmon. It wasn't very good, but it was expensive. YEE! Gettin' yo moniez worth. I still couldn't eat it all though -_-


Meatloaf....then B-BOYING!!

FLI (Floor Lovers Illinois)-B-boying and B-girling club.

Split into groups of 6 (Wing, Bonnie, Allen, Isa, Jacqueline, and I),  and we had instructors come and just teach us a few basics and tell us a little bit about the culture and stuff. What did we learn today?

     Indian Step

     Side Step

     Kick Side Step (kind of)

     Knee Drop

     6 Step

        Baby Freeze

After we learned the basics, we had time to practice it a bit. We cyphered (got into a circle and danced). We each had to show what we learned and dance TO THE BEAT! (B-boy is "beat boy" ... not "breakdance boy") First, we threw in some toprock, got down and did some floorwork, and ended in a FREEZE (DIRTBAG)!

Then, we practiced some more and jazzed up what we learned with our own flavuh. Make our own little cool routine. Hellz yEah! Good shit!! 

Aight, that's it. PAECE! 

Friday, September 3, 2010

Work Out Day.

Anyways, I worked out for the first time (on Friday, Sept. 3rd). I only ran 2 miles with Wing and I died. Wing could've still kept going, but legs were dead for the next 3 days. I'm writing this today (Tuesday, Sept 9th) and I think I can finally run again tomorrow. Wing was fine though. EFF HIM! FIT BASTARD!!