Tuesday, May 21, 2013

[5] Sushi Para M

Made another trip to Wicker Park this afternoon to Sushi Para M with my cousin Darren. It was totally random. I was just taking a walk, then I saw Darren driving by, gave him a ring, and decided to just join him wherever he was going. He was driving around looking for something to eat, and we just went to get some sushi buffet.

Man, in the last week, I think I had sushi buffet like 3 times already. If I'm still having it, it means I'm not sick of it yet...which means I didn't eat enough. "Tsk tsk, Henry"

Meh... today was the same. I only ate till I was normal-full--not sushi buffet-full. Sushi buffet-full is when you eat so much, you can't move, hate life, and swear off sushi for like half a year. The sushi was delicious though!

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