Tuesday, March 20, 2012

[11] Frickin 'Ficken'

When I wake up..... I'm willing to take my chances.... Okay, sorry. Those were lyrics to a song. I just couldn't help myself. Thumbs up if you know that song. Let me start again.

When I wake up, I usually don't remember my dreams or nightmares. I'm not even sure if I have nightmares. I want to say with 90% confidence that nightmares are a very rare occurrence; yesterday night was an exception.

I had a dream of a ficken or a chish.
 /in the voice of  Pokédex.
"Ficken, also known as chish, is a very terrifying creature. It has a bloated fish's body with the protruding head of a chicken. Ficken invades the dreams of men waking them up in a sweaty, flailing frenzy."

 Imagine a chicken's small head, which I will NOT post a picture of, with this fish's body:

I don't know if there was any plot. Alls I know is that, there was this scary thing, and I was terrified...even after waking, the image of the ficken engrained in my mind made me very uneasy.

Moving away from the topic of that darned dream, let's talk about Hunger Games. Well..so far today, I haven't had time to read it. But hopefully, I can resume tomorrow or late at night.



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