Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Semester, New Year... I Don't Like It

So so so so so so so so so so so so it's been a whole week already since the Spring 2011 semester started, and I must say that I'm not very excited. Actually, I'm in the middle. The classes all sound very interesting, I like my professors, I really like my schedule, I got a research position in the lab I wanted to work in; however, my heart isn't very into it. I'm really in the mood of just living for a bit. I don't want to deal with classes because I have to go to classes. I don't want to deal with doings things right now just because I should and am obligated to. If I could, just for now, I want to just live on my own with no worries. Read at my own leisure, learn Kinesiology stuff at my own leisure, exercise and dance and watch FRIENDS and walk around and fuck around, do whatever ... at my own leisure. 

Winter Break just ended, but I feel like I still need another break. Break was really, really fun and I really enjoyed seeing people I haven't seen, hanging out places I haven't been, etc etc. It was a really busy and fun break; now I want a break from that too and just chill without all the "busy". No deadlines, no appointments, no plans. It's weird that I don't want a plan because usually I like things very planned out.

Anyways! That's enough of that spheal. <--what the heck. Spheal is a Pokémon. Schpeal? What's the word I'm looking for? Okay, back to the topic. Clearly, since I can't really have that, I need to try to enjoy being back in school as much as possible. 

As I said earlier, my classes and professors are all really cool, and I definitely should be a lot more excited than I am. We're learning pretty cool material! Just to name a few...

KIN 262 - Motor Development, Growth, and Form
  • In  the 1800s, girls got their periods at the average age of 18.
  • Now, the average age is 9 - 11 years old
KIN 240 - Social and Psychological Aspects of Physical Activity
  • Jack LaLanne, the Godfather of Fitness, just passed a few days ago. He died at the age of 96. He spent his whole life promoting the benefits of physical activity ("Trim-nastics") and a nutritious diet. At the age of 42, he set the world record for push-ups by completing 1,033 in 23 minutes. This man is soo amazing!
ACE 161 - Microcomputer Applications 
  • "CTRL + Insert" = "CTRL + C" = Copy function
  • "SHIFT + Insert" = "CTRL + V" = Paste function


    1. spiel


      Also, I got my period when I was 11! :o

      And Kevin was telling me how if I exercise more, I can get fat. :[ He got the info from a TIME article. I think. He was talking about it foreverrrrr.

    2. TMI Carmen! Hehe, just kidding. The period fact shocked me. 18??? My friend is taking education classes and he was telling me how girls in households without fathers get their periods earlier. I can't remember the reasoning behind it though.
