Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Purusa, "the Primal Man"

Yo! I'm going to drop some Asian Mythology on y'all asses.

I first got the idea cause I saw my little cousin, Kerlina's, Facebook page. She had this little figure in her main page and it reminded me of something--It reminded me of the story of Purusa. 

Who is Purusa?

This is Purusa.

The Primal Man (not to be confused with the Primate Man like Teresa did. LOL)

●̮̮̃•̃) •••••►Head
/█\ •••••► Waist
.Π. •••••►Feet

Anyways, this is a creation myth in Indian Mythology during the early Vedic times. According to this story, the world came from all the different parts of Purusa. Purusa sacrificed himself to create the world. From his navel came the air, from his eyes came the sun and the moon.  

From his head, he created the Brahmanas. A social caste that consisted of religious and academia roles such as the priests and teachers.

From his arms, he created the Ksatriyas. This was the warrior class. 

From his thighs, he created the Vaishyas. These were the merchants, farmers, architects, doctors etc.

From his feet, he created the Sudras. These were the laboring class who were servants to the other three classes.

Despite this caste system, there was ranking based on wealth or power or anything. It was an egalitarian society. The priests, which might be taken as the most important, were actually the poorest. Being apart from worldy things, they were broke. 


Brahmanas-Eh...I remember this well because Brahman and Brahmana and Brahmin etc is so commonly discussed.

Ksatriyas is pronounced 'sah-tree-ya' and in Chinese, "to kill" is pronounced 'saht' ... warriors kill so TA DA! Ksatriyas.

Vaishyas sounds just like my friend's name, Vaishak, who wants to be a doctor and lo' and behold, a doctor falls into the Vaishya class. 

Sudra-I'll just think of it as 'SHOE-dra". Where do you wear shoes? FEET! Yeah man. And typically when you think of feet, the lowest part of the body, you think of laborers. Or at least I do. Done and done. 

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