Illini Emergency Medical Services.
Get CPR, First Responder, or EMT Certified! These are all certifications to be pre-hospital paramedics. These certifications are actually steps right below paramedics. It goes Paramedic→EMT→First Responder→CPR certified.
They offer free CPR classes, which I signed up for October 10th. I'm so excited. I'll be certified within 4 hours. Smiles. These are just basics of first aid and treating a wound...and of course CPR.
First Responder classes seem really interesting too. In about 8 weeks totaling to 50 hours of class time, I can become a First Responder for $175.
EMT certification is actually like a course like any course in college (but without real college credit). It's like a whole semester for only $350. Normal classes elsewhere even at community colleges could easily be $1000.
If I could, I would love to do all of these because it's a national certification. And just think...if anyone was having a baby or fucking broke a bone, I would know how to treat them. I can also work at national events or sporting games. I would actually be doing volunteer work at university games after getting my certification. SO LEGIT, BABY!!
Also, the classes are really hands-on. Of course there is classroom time and book material...but they have demonstrations and practicals where they use volunteer models to help you learn. For example, last year for some of their tests, they would have volunteers covered in fake blood with a fake symptom and students would have to treat them as if it were the real thing. SO AWESOME!!
sounds exciting. glad youre just as excited. seems like a wonderful plan.