Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cartwheels and Kangaroo Hops!

My first Kinesiology lab of the new semester....RELAY RACES!!

In the previous lecture, we learned about planes of movement: sagittal plane (divides the body into the left and right sides), frontal plane (divides the body into a front side and back side), and transverse plane (divides the body into a top portion and bottom portion). 

So today, we demonstrated how we can move in these planes of movement (a.k.a. cardinal planes) by having a relay race with 81 college students. 

Moving in the sagittal plane : skipping, running backwards. Kangaroo hopping.
Moving in the front plane : cartwheels.
Moving in the transverse plane : ballerina twirls, grapevines shuffles/karaokes
We also did kangaroo hops, which has components moving in the sagittal plane as well as transverse.

Aside from participating myself, I think the best part was watching the tall, buff guys do these...especially the cartwheels and ballerina twirls. 

I wanted to find pictures of male ballerinas, but the pictures I found on Google are too good. They don't capture the awkwardness of most of the guys. 

By the way, I don't want to give the idea that this is how all Kinesiology labs are. Mind you, this is a very basic kines class I just happen to be taking now. My other Kinesiology labs actually require data collection, procedures, and really technical equipment that measure a whole bunch of biological components. 

1 comment:

  1. Maybe in addition to the 100 push up challenge, I will try to master a cartwheel too. But there's not enough space in my apartment. :\

    I haven't had really fun classes yet. So lucky, you.

    Oops. This is Carmen, by the way. I'm on Elyne's computer at Loomis.
