So, I'm just going to throw in a potpourri of pictures I took over this month or so. Quick and painless! There's barely any reading.
Epic Meal Time - Fried Rice w/ Ground Turkey, Mushrooms, Green Beans, and Two Egg Over Easys |
I ate the whole thing....
"Mom! This looks like a birdie!"
Coca-Cola - $1.29
I drank soda. I thought it would help me stay awake 'cause I had to study. Instead, I got a big headache and knocked out.
"Who loves tapioca pudding?" "I loves tapioca pudding!" |
That was a reference to Kenan & Kel...just in case y'all didn't know. Anyways, I had lunch dinner one day at ISR (where I used to dorm), and they had tapioca pudding!! I had to load up on that---with granola, of course.
Henry Jr? |
Allen had a make-your-own-stuffed-monster event or something. I stayed for like 3 hours making this. It was really fun actually.
First, choose a fabric/pattern. They had a neato heart pattern. It was either this or jeans. This is aight.
Second, design your monster. I can't remember who thought of doing a hand-shape: me or a lovely Kim from Allen. Kim, for sure, drew one out though and it was super cute. I'm sorry I was not able to capture the cuteness because I messed up with outlline of it as I made the monster.
Third, trace and cut monster shape into two pieces of fabric.
Fourth, sew fabrics together using a 2stepforward,1stepbackward sewing technique. I think this may have been the first time I sewed something for reals-reals. Now I can sew my own pants and my ripped underwear :D
Fifth, leave an opening and stuff the monster. My monster was stuffed with polyester
Sixth, sew opening with ladder stitch. This was fun learning and fun doing. I'm too sleepy to describe how to do it. Look it up!
Final, decorate the monster up with felt and stuff. I made the eyes. Originally, I wanted to make a Harry Potter-type glasses. I just kept it as eyes instead. All the other pieces are scraps I found on the floor/table/counter that I just put together.
This was incredibly fun...regardless of the three-hours spent. I will consider doing more of these projects in the future.
Quesadilla Leftovers A La Mode |
I don't know what "a la mode" is or even if I'm spelling it correctly. We had tortillas, and we had groceries from a long while. Why not combine it all and not waste food.
The first is leftover rice, soy sauce, sliced potatoes, and those Chinese radish things in a jar.
The second and third quesadillas are grilled with Mexican cheese and Mozarella cheese, tomatoes, and thinly sliced potatoes.
They were all delicious!!
Snowman made of plates = plateman? |
As some may know, I work in the dining hall dishroom on Wed/Thu from 8pm to nearly 1am. I love being in the dishroom regardless of the long, late hours. On Wednesday, we've got a Dishroom Disciples Gang. On Thursday, we don't have a gang name, but all get along like no other. And I walk home with a buddy who lives right by me. Good stuff. Anyways, this is a snowman thing I attempted to make out of plates. It's got a hat and fork arms.
Last but not least. The following is a video of a squirrel. So cute!! Anyways, I don't remember the context or how we started talking about it but my friends Teresa, Anna, and I were talking about squirrel sounds. I knew what they sounded like, but it was impossible to mimick it. Instead of mimicking it, this video can just show y'all (and them) how a squirrel sounds. It's so awesome!!
I believe this is their mating call....they were SOOO hitting on me.